"Every knee shall bow" - Isaiah 45 Twice a year, in September and January we set aside 21 days for prayer and fasting. These are significant times for us as a church as we come before God.
Please join us for the encounter evenings and for a half night of prayer.
Set aside times in this season to pray, to fast and to encounter God. We want to hear all that God is saying to us.
Pete Hughes speaking at the Jesus Culture conference in July said:
“We are at the beginning of a very significant move of God.”
This resonates so much with us!
As we approach these 21 days of prayer and fasting, we come with a fresh call to worship, to ‘bow our knee’ before the Lord in surrender and undivided devotion to the King.
Come and encounter His love and presence with us.
Come and pray for our city, our friends and our families
Come and bow your knee in worship.
- Encounter nights: Sunday 8th & 29th 7.30pm- 9.15pm
- Early Morning Prayer Tuesdays (Totton) 6.30-7.30am Wednesdays (Hedge End) 6.30-7.30am
- Friday 13th September – Half night of prayer 8pm- midnight
- Sunday 15th September - Healing Rooms during Church meeting (Hedge End)
- Weekly worship every Thursday Youtube 11-12 noon
For all information about these events head to events: